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— Larry Schweikart (@LarrySchweikart) October 27, 2020 20) And, like 2016, the pollsters & DemoKKKrats gave their hapless followers false hope. Like 2016, this will boil over in new waves of.
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Posted on 12/11/2020 8:29:54 PM PST by DoodleBob
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Frankly, that wasn’t much of a read.
There are only a very few “moneymen” on our side. The GOP big donors are overwhelmingly open borders and unfair trade supporters perfectly fine with Democrats running things for a bit. Zuckerberg alone dropped $400 million on the steal for the Dems. That is what we are up against.
Yeah but Obummer DID manage to see to it that the graft and corruption of Chicago expand to the national stage. Trump was defeated by his deep staters.
Send lawyers, guns and money.
It's on. Praise the Lord & pass the ammo, it's on.
It’s different this time. The Democrats will go for a revolution.
No need for that. Add in amnesty and Dems are perfectly capable of winning elections “legitimately.” Even without amnesty they are only a few election cycles from flipping GA, NC, etc.
I agree. If they are able to steal an election with cheating on this magnitude, we might never win an election again.
What are they going to do? Give us back power and play fair?
To me it seems unlikely.
I will not comply..tired of waiting for the next election..
Trump won, and he won bigly...
this is the hill we must die on..

So immediately today they, both psuedo-sides, override Trump’s veto attempt on defense spending bill.
The ...RAPE .GANG RAPE continues
Besides, even if there is a tinge of regret from stealing this election and decades of debauchery and treason, in their minds, we deserve years of servitude for electing Trump in the first place!
How dare we vote for someone who puts our interests first!
The real elephant (no pun intended) in the room is the RINO vs. conservative divide in the GOP. The RINOs are enabling the Democrats and mostly ignoring the conservatives in their own party (but they still want our votes). As I said in another thread, if conservatives are going to truly do battle with the Democrats, the RINOs must first be brought to heel. They stymied a number of good things during Trump's four years either out of spite or because Trump was ending their self-enrichment schemes. And now, you have some of the RINO scum openly talking about punishing Trump supporters. Sorry, but there is no co-existing with these a-holes - a house divided cannot stand, and it is the RINOs that are doing the dividing.
Prior to Trump's time in office..no (D)'s in federal public power were saying they wanted to pack the court. No (D)'s in federal public power were saying they wanted give give actual citizenship to the illegal aliens. No (D)'s in public power were advocating for DC or Puerto Rico statehood.
Prior to 2020, we've never seen actual calls to 'defend the police' nor such in your face, blatant SYSTEMIC election fraud. And on and on.
No. It's different this time precisely because the (D)'s are not hiding their true intentions anymore. And they mean it!
When they do the things they publicly STATED they want to do at the federal level, 'we'll get em next time' becomes increasingly impossible.
If the 2020 election fraud is allowed to stand, we can 'look forward' to the following (at a minimum):
- The Chinese will have helped to get Biden in office and Trump out of their way.
- The socialists/marxists/globalist/hate America crowd will use the same fraud to get control of the Senate after the (D)'s fraudulently take the 2 GA seats.
- Within Day 1 to 3 months of full (D) control, they will remove the Senate 60 vote 'filibuster' rule.
- Within Day 1 to 3 months, stop building the wall and even tearing down what wall Trump has put up.
- Within Day 1 to 3 months, rescind Trumps travel ban from terrorist supporting nations: Chad, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen.
- Within 3-6 months, grant citizenship to the 22,000,000+ foreign nationals in our country illegally.
- Within 6 months, remove the Trump trade restrictions and tariffs put on China, thereby releasing the pressure on the Chinese economy.
- Within 6 months, open up immigration even more that it is now. Both legal and illegal. Won't matter, because anyone here illegally will be granted citizenship shortly thereafter.
- Within 6 months, the Trump/Pompeo restrictions against Chinese diplomats and their families are not only lifted, the programs are encouraged and opened up even further.
- Within 1 year, pack the court by adding 6 liberal activist judges to SCOTUS giving them full control. At best (assuming Roberts), conservatives and constitutionalist could expect 9 to 6 rulings against the 2nd Amendment, against 1st Amendment rights of conservatives, against Red state rights, for full term abortion (perhaps even after birth 'abortion'), for allowing men to claim to be women for competitions, and on and on.
- Within 1 year, add the deeply corrupt D.C. as a state. Net result politically, +2 (D) Senators, +1 (D) Rep, +1 (D) Governor and +1 (D) controlled state legislature.
- Within 1 year, beijing biden is out and harris is 'president.'
- Within 1-2 years, with harris as usurper president, the Congress is controlled by the leftists and a super majority packed liberal activist SCOTUS in place, they go for the kill shot on the 2nd Amendment. Admittedly, would be the most difficult for them to accomplish, at this point. They wouldn't be able to actually 'confiscate' guns..but rather they would have the power to install laws, and back them up in the SCOTUS. They could make it illegal nationwide to manufacture anything related (i.e. guns, ammo, materials), to make it illegal to travel cross state lines with guns, illegal to sell or gift guns, illegal to hold a gun show, illegal to operate a shooting range, etc. The obviously corrupt FBI would be put in charge of making the arrests, not all at once, but slowly over time and the activist judges put in place would convict.
- Within 1-2 years, Clarence Thomas retires from the SCOTUS. Not that they would need any more, but yet another activist liberal justice will be seated. And not that it would matter in the end, but the 'best' we could look forward to then is 10 to 5 rulings against us & our Constitution, and probably more like 11 to 4 rulings with Roberts siding with the super majority liberal justices.
- Within 1-2 years, China takes control of Taiwan. Most in this country yawn and go back to their now perpetual federally mandated lockdowns without realizing the global implications.
- Within 2 years, after passing their referendum..desperately poor Puerto Rico is added as a state. Net result politically, +2 (D) Senators, +4/5 (D) Reps, +1 (D) Governor and +1 (D) controlled state legislature.
- Within 2 years, add additional vote fraud measures to be even more successful with stealing elections.
- By the 2022 midterms, any remote chance that the (R)'s have of taking back either the White House, or either chamber of congress will be nullified by vote fraud and unprecedented court packing across the land the likes we've yet to see.
- Between 2021 and 2024, China is allowed/encouraged to create even more 'Confucius' institutions than the current 575, increasing one of their main propaganda arms within our country.
- Between 2021 and 2024, tens of millions more immigrants will have come to 'free stuff' near immediate citizenship America.
- During the 2024 'elections,' with the 30 - 40 million new citizens from around the world, the (D)'s may not need systemic fraud anymore, but where any might be needed, they will have it..but on steroids..x100.
- By 2025, China's Made in China 2025 plan will have come to fruition and China will be the world's leader in not only making 'Walmart' type junk or cheap designer rip-offs..they will lead the world in every sector of manufacturing (i.e auto, ag, mobile, medical, pharmaceutical, robotics, tech and on and on).
- Between 2024 and 2030, with America failing and China on the rise, Mexico allows China near unrestricted access economically and militarily.
- Between 2024 and 2030, America's universities have unprecedented numbers of Chinese students, many of whom are acknowledged to by members of the PLA and/or CCP.
- By 2030 (?), after a decade of American decline, and (D) helping the Chinese gain even more power not just in China..but in our country as well, China makes a move to place military assets on American soil. They, the CCP's PLA, have already been training in Canada.
Larry Schweikart Suspended Twitter
A work, with citations, in progress.
Sounds nuts? Yup. And so too does allowing socialist/communist/globalist systemic in your face vote fraud to determine federal elections, and all the resulting consequences of such a power grab, in the United States of America.
Think they won't do it? I implore you to revisit what they did to Trump over the last 4 years using the power of the federal government, and..if further convincing is needed, go back another 8 years..just 7 years removed from 9/11..when the corrupt system promoted/allowed a no name junior senator called Barack Hussein Obama (aka Barry Soetoro, aka Soebarkah), from IL with an unknown/highly questionable background to openly usurp the Presidency of the United States.
Don't think China has plans to take over America? They do. And not just take over our manufacturing or our businesses. They consider the very land in the U.S. to be rightfully theirs. That's right. The land that makes up the United States of America is not ours, it belongs to the Chinese and their reasoning may surprise many. Read this speech given by China's former Minister of Defense Chi Haotian to high-level Communist Party Cadres sometime before his retirement in 2003. The whole thing is very enlightening to the way they think. If you don't want to read the whole thing, search for the term 'colonization' and read that, and the following paragraph.
The above used to be stuff of wild conspiracy theory. Not anymore. The (D)'s aren't even hiding much, if any, of that agenda (minus what China would control). This is what they want. This is what they are after..and there would be nobody left politically/judicially to stop them from doing any of it.
That is, except for CWII.
However..just how likely would that be though? This isn't the 1800's. There is no structure, or infrastructure, in place for such a thing. One seemingly trivial example, uniforms. Aside from your immediate neighbors/family/friends, how would anyone know who is on what side, if any? What would be the command and control structure? Etc, etc. etc.
And lets face it, a majority of American's (including (R)'s) are willfully allowing their state and/OR local governments to restrict their ability to work, to go out to eat wherever they'd like and so on. They are willfully agreeing to keep themselves inside, and when they do go out briefly, to 'socially distance' and to wear a piece of cloth over their nose and mouth.
And all this not because of a return of the Spanish flu, or the middle ages plague. They give up their freedoms, their liberties, lives and livelihoods for a virus that is, yes..serious, but now we know is about as deadly as the influenza virus during a moderate flu season primarily to those who would be similarly affected by influenza (over 70, pre-existing serious health conditions, etc). Remember..15 days to 'slow the spread' became 30 days to 'slow the spread' and that was ~9 months ago.
The irony of ironies here is that, realistically, the only thing that could stop the above domestic points from happening is the (D)'s themselves since they will be the ones in full control.
And, about the only thing that could stop the above international (i.e. China) points from happening, is Russia. Sure, Russia would love to see the U.S. no longer be the worlds only superpower..but there is no way they would be OK with allowing America to become so weak and for China to become so powerful as to be able to absorb the U.S. as a satellite state.
Raise your hand if you think (A) the rats will put the brakes on ANY of that aforementioned..or that (B) the Chinese would NOT take advantage of a severely weakened/globalist first America?
The fraud has to be stopped now. Not in 2022 when they have had more time to perfect the fraud. If the Republican state legislatures & governor's do NOTHING about this fraud now..WHY would you trust them to do the right thing 'next time' when the rats will have had 2 years to destroy our federal government?
A Republic..if you can keep it isn't just a throw away phrase. It has real meaning.
I'm not accepting biden or his tagalong.
2) contd . . . Trump undid in about 45 minutes. Zero's legacy is today only 'the first black president.'
Wrong. Obama's legacy was ensuring every governmental job in DC, from the people running the top offices, to the middle managers, to the lady sweeping the floors at night, every job in DC is filled by a partisan Obamunist.
He didn't build the swamp, but he overflowed it far past capacity. And in the process, all these swamp creatures flipped Virginia blue.
None of those ideas mean anything when Democrats can “win” elections at will and sell elections for votes down the line.
He’s right about the need for money. But not about what he mentions.
Send lawyers, guns and money.
It’s on. Praise the Lord & pass the ammo, it’s on.
It’s on.
Computer guys too.
Thank you for your reply.
I wish I could share the optimism.
“What a ridiculous tweet.what difference does it make if we have district attorneys or whatever he wants us to get together with the money makers .give me a break .none of this matters if you can steal a national election with fraud.”
It’s on.
That doesn’t mean violence but it means the rubicon is crossed.


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Twitter ^ | 7 Feb 2021 | Self
Posted on 02/07/2021 5:03:08 PM PST by BeauBo
@LarrySchweikart Account suspended
Twitter suspends accounts which violate the Twitter Rules
(Excerpt) Read more at twitter.com ..
TOPICS:KEYWORDS:cancel; censorship; ls; suspended; technofascism; twittertwatterNavigation: use the links below to view more comments.
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Sorry about the spelling error in the title.
Where is the new rally point?
Amazing..Somehow this BS has got to stop..
Never to return.
One of the people I've missed most on Twitter is Larry so hopefully he will let us know here what platform he will mainly be on.
He deserves it for still being on Twitter
“Violates twitter rules” meaning “doesn’t support leftard ideas”.
Yet Jack Dorsey thinks pedophilia is fine.
Gab, I say.
Sorry to hear this news. He was a regular stop on my tour
Any idea where he can be found?
Banning a noted Author and history professor. Real cheap shot leftist Twitter.
Why were you sacked? For no reason I bet! Those POS are out of control and need to be held accountable! But it makes sense now.purge the uncontrollable peasants who DON’T submit to their socialist ways of thinking or else.click! Get used to it..this will be the norm with the liberal progressive globalist running the show along with the spineless POS worthless RINOS!
Larry Schweikart Twitter Midway
He is on Gab as LarryS
I kind of expected it, with all his violent inflammatory rhetoric. I was rather shocked by his last column;
“The Washington DC green zone enclosure; An easy target for mortars and howitzers?”. /s
Hopefully we'll see him return there. Today the platform seems to be running the best it has since before Jan 6.
I banned Twitter and Facebook from my life a couple of years ago.
I have not had the ChinaVirus and my life is wonderful.
It’s a mystery to me why others can’t seem to understand just how easy it is to remove crap from your life.
Amazing..Somehow this BS has got to stop..
It is amazing. Amazing that he wasn’t banned months and months ago.
Yes. It does.
Google nuked me from orbit. All I got was an email that said, “your account is permanently suspended for violating our community standards.” They gave a link to “challenge” the ban but they wanted everything about you. Name, physical address, birthday. Yeah. cuz we can trust them to keep them safe. All I could guess was when I said a man can never be a woman on a youtube post.
I never imagined our country to fall so far so fast..
In the least. Heck, LS, I would just assume you were on their short-list.
Bill Whittle had a great, GREAT video commentary on this: Bill Whittle: Terms of Service
He calls the move over to these monolithic areas such as YouTube, FaceBook, and Twitter 'The Great Enstupiding'.
For such a serious topic, the term elicited a grim laugh out of me.
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